So after thinking about all the fun ways I could use chalkboard paint I wanted to do a project of my own! But, I didn't want to be limited by the traditional black and green color and I dint want to order something special made online so I googled to see if there was a way you can make your own!
Leave it up to Martha stewart to have a recipe for making chalkboard paint
out of any regular paint.
The Recipe is simple:
8 oz. paint
2 Tablespoons Unsanded Tile Grout
Here are the full directions along with the pics of the project I did myself!!

This is the built in electric yellow shelf and desk unit in my studio with ugly wood paneling.
(this room is a work in progress and this wont be the last you see or hear of its transformation)

Unsanded Tile Grout about $5 for the 1 pound tub

I decided to use bright turquoise... the sample jar is exactly 8 oz which is perfect for
a small area and it's only $3

Apply 2 coats of paint and let dry.
Use a piece of fine grit sand paper to even out the surface.
Then rub chalk over the entire surface and then wipe it down with a dry cloth.

Now your surface is ready to be drawn on! I thought the turquoise adds a nice punch to my little craft nook!